Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 7 - A nasty surprise

Sweet baby jump rope I think my calves have petrified. The last time I felt like this was after hiking the 1000 steps and then it took a week before I could walk with straight legs. Those 500 jumps seemed simple enough on paper particularly without the dreaded push ups or lunges. But therein lay the trap - it was too simple, deadly simple. All I can say is thank god my chair at work has wheels because I'm not sure walking is going to be an option. I'm going to be rolling around between my desk, printer and kitchen like a roomba.

When Patrick's email arrived in my inbox today with our exercises for the next 7 days I freaked out. 600 - 800 jumps everyday with exercises. Now I am officially terrified.

Tonight's final meal was my ultimate comfort food - curry rice (mum's recipe) with a couple of glasses of wine. Sigh. I would have taken a photo but alas I inhaled it before I had time to blink which is probably a good thing because I probably would have blown it up to poster size and stuck it up it on my bedroom wall. The next few days should be interesting...Eating in controlled quantities is a completely different way of approaching for me. Tonight I went to the supermarket to load up on the gold star approved stuff. That was easy enough but the hard part will be finding (i) the time to cook 3 meals a day and (ii) interesting and tasty ways to cook it since I suffer culinary A.D.D and rarely ever cook the same thing twice. Once I get used to the portions I should be ok but I think I'm really going to struggle eating that much food in the morning. Speaking if which I have to go to bed. This getting up early routine has make me into an old timer. Not sure how I'm going to handle tomorrow night's 11pm conference call...

Good luck PCPers I think we're about to dive into deep waters...


  1. I hear you!!!! I was REALLY upset when I saw that email. So upset I actually couldn't focus on work any longer. I felt cheated!!

  2. Yeah it really kicked up a few notches to say the least. We can do it though!
