Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 31 - My precioussss

Protein has become a precious commodity in our home so when it runs low, tensions thrive. This is exactly what happened yesterday when Gilles and I discovered we were low on muscle fuel. Neither of us wanted to mention it hoping the other wouldn't realise. In battle, tactics are everything and Gilles outmanoeuvred me this morning by leaving for work first and taking with him almost all the 'prots' in the house. I was left with an egg white and some sorry chicken scraps leftover from the wings I used to make stock with 2 days ago. FYI there is about 2% usable meat on those things. Gilles - you are a protein pilferer! I trust your muscles are thriving whilst I wither into this:
'My precioussss proteinsss'
Anyway moving on, I am a bona fide chest dip failure. I can barely bend my elbows. I think I managed to do 3 before collapsing in a heap but every millimetre counts so hopefully next time I'll manage to get through 4! This morning circumstances required me to reverse my exercise order so I did my strength exercises first but didn't get around to my skips. I was running late since I was storming around the house for 30 mins yellling "where are my prots?" when I could have been (a) skipping or (b) cooking a piece of salmon… So I plan to head out pronto and do my skips at the playground. I may even WATCH the 8 min ab routine (with my youtube screen enlarged) and psych myself up to do it for real. I want to see what all this cheese and leotard talk is about but I like the sound of it already.

This weekend, Gilles are I are away on a retreat for our wedding (long story…churches in France…we have do a course). Anyway, it's a weekend away thing and I'm not too sure we'll have any say in what we'll be eating but I will be packing my rope and exercise band!! Fitness on the go - love it.

One month down! That's something to celebrate. Chest dips anyone?


  1. But Gollum loves to eat raw fish - the best source of protein! Hope you manage to stock up again soon :-)

  2. Chest dips will get better with practice. Fight for that protein, without it you'll just turn into string cheese!

  3. I will swap you chest dips for lunges any day of the week!! :)

    After reading this post I am happy I do not have to fight for protein hoarding with my wife...

    Enjoy France...not an easy trip whilst on PCP, resisting the fromage and charcuterie temptations prominently displayed in every deli window...

  4. hahaha your posts always make me laugh... keep them coming!

    Hope your weekend was a blast.
