OK bear with me as this might turn into a bit of a rant. Today is ching ming festival here in Hong Kong which means a public holiday making for a nice little 4 day week. So far I've had a great day - I slept in, went shopping, went for a sauna after my workout, cooked a truckload of veggies and boiled eggs for my weekly eat-a-thon and am about to curl up with a book. All is all it's been a pretty good day however at the back of my mind I have been annoyed about my weekly photos and results so far. I know it's important to be patient but to be honest I am a bit frustrated that the weight seems to be falling off Gilles and he is morphing into some Greek statue (which I am THRILLED about definitely no complaints) but I am not seeing the same results. This is probably because my priorities are not the same as his because guys don't have to fight the hips and butt battle. I can definitely see changes in my body but it's all in the wrong places - well not the wrong places but the parts which are a lower priority. It seems the part of my body which I REALLY want to change i.e. the bit which starts at my beer handles and extends down to my mid-thighs and includes a big section of butt, is not budging an inch. How come??? I need to understand what results I can expect from all this. Is this going to be the last zone to change because my body is just too attached to this security blanket of blubber or do I need to just get over it because this is my body shape? I'm all for getting guns that look like I can punch you out but it would really be so much nicer to have a smaller bum.
This PCP business is a bit of a roller coaster. One day you feel great and the next it's like you're standing at the foot of a sheer cliff. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be in a better state of mind. I know I have to try and stay positive and that the results are slower to show on women etc etc I just hope I'm heading towards the results I am looking for! Sorry for the neurotic post all. I am sure I am not the first female PCPer to go through this. Just gotta hang in there.
When I am in a slump, I look at the group ahead of us. I find a woman who has a similar body build and I go through her pictures. Then I feel better. Your right, guys do lose faster than women. It is not fair we have to wait so long to look so good. But the wait is worth it! From the next gang's pictures, it is obvious we will get there. Keep up the good work, I am right there with you :D
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, guys can get frustrated with their progress too :-) I still have the remnants of a sizable beer belly to get rid of, and it seems like slow progress at times. I just try to remember when Patrick said about subcutaneous fat being the last to go.. And then I think it might take longer than 90 days to reach my ultimate goal, which is OK because I'm looking at the PCP as a new way of living my life, and hoping to carry on some of the principles and habits I've learned past the 90 day mark :-)
ReplyDeleteTotally totally agree with you! My guns are now definetely getting noticable... but I really want to see some abs and a more toned bottom... oh, and I think my chest is shrinking a bit as well :(
ReplyDelete(the fat, not the muscles...)