Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 63 - Search & Rescue

With less than a month to go, I think I am finally being winched to safety out of the valley.  The last couple of days have been TOUGH physically and psychologically. Gilles is in France at the moment and it has actually given me some time to concentrate on getting my moods and routine back on track. I'm sure I'll really need to dig deep to get through this last stage but just knowing we are already 2/3 of the way through is a huge  motivator.

We're at the tail end of another glorious long weekend. Friday I watched the royal wedding sans champagne. I was pretty nervous but looks like our wedding will have absolutely nothing in common with Wills & Kate -  no overlap on the guest list, venue or dress.... phew.  Though apparently Kate Moss and Prince Albert of Monaco are also getting married in July so we're not in the clear just yet. I must make sure "our people" coordinate. Of course straight after my Mum (a die hard royalist) immediately called me for a fashion de-brief. Hilarious. She makes Joan Rivers seem like a sweet old dear.

I got up early this morning to go for a run around the racecourse instead of doing my skips. Out of all the cardio I am doing this is definitely the one which kills me the most. I try to keep a steady jogging pace but I'm pretty sure my heart rate goes above what it does when I skip or use the elliptical, sometimes I get a bit overexcited with the music I am listening to and break into a 'victory run' which doesn't help as I burn out after a few seconds, it must be all that adrenalin. I crashed the local running club by tagging along with their group for a while but all those wiry old guys are so fit so I dropped back. What is interesting is that I no longer get a crippling stitch which would usually kick in when I looked at my sneakers. I'm definitely no runner, my performance has always been abysmal, but seeing the evidence of progress has made me want to stick with it 1-2 days a week for now with skipping and elliptical on the other days.

Patrick's "red faced" email was interesting. I don't usually get this phenomenon usually I just sweat like crazy but after this morning's run I was flaming tomato red. Not sure if you can really see it in this pic but a few hours later and my skin looks really good!

OK, going to get out and soak up what sunshine is left of this fine day but before signing off I'd really like to know what people are listening to during their workouts. I'm building a few playlists and would be interested in what everyone's get off your butt and move song is.

Week 9 photos now posted.


  1. Looking good! Are you worried you may have to refit your wedding dress?

  2. Good solid post Tanya you're going to rock the last month!

  3. Hey Yeeman - Yep definitely going to need a refit but waiting till the last possible moment. Could be worse, I guess it's always better to have something taken in than out!
