Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 59 - Rebound

The last two days have been really touch and go. Probably the lowest point I have experienced yet on PCP. Up until now I have just accepted my workouts as part of my daily routine but yesterday I really really really wanted a day off - just one. After negotiating with my conscience for quite some time we came to a mutual agreement. We would revisit the rope. For the last week or so I have been doing most of my workouts at the gym using the elliptical for cardio which makes it impossible to finish everything in an hour as Patrick reminded us today. Then when you factor in showering...sauna... general faffing about it's quite a long and drawn out ordeal. Not really something I can manage on a daily basis before work

Yesterday I ventured back to my local park and took up my position on the astroturf, pumped up the volume on my ipod and started to jump - gingerly at first -but soon I found I fell back into my old rhythm with relative ease. I was unstoppable and so I just kept going and killed the 4x4. When I was done I was barely out of breath and there was no pain in my pain of course until I started the strength exercises. Good God they are getting crazy. What is surprising though is that I managed the planks - had I even attempted two consecutive one min planks a few weeks ago you would have had to stretcher me home. It's actually quite fascinating how quickly the body can adapt - it's like a ravenous baby bird gobbling up exercise and wanting more provided of course the mind is cooperating. As I mentioned, it has been a bit of a battle the last two days. Even though I remembered how great and satisfying it felt once I got started, getting motivated was once again a challenge today. For a variety of reasons I had to swap today and tomorrow's workouts (Sorry Patrick). Basically I had a few conf calls tonight and had to see Gilles before he left for France so I just didn't have the time to go to the gym or trek down to the racecourse to use the pull up bar so I ended up doing the Day 60 workout today and will do the Day 59 workout tomorrow morning at the gym (since of course I will be glued to the tele watching the Royal wedding tomorrow - HA!!! A forerunner to the real wedding of the year in July of course. By the way, if Kate has ripped off my dress I will be livid!).

So does this mean I am seeing the rope again? Not sure - even though the legs and joints are feeling good, I plan to keep my options open and continue to mix up the cardio with the elliptical or jogging. I think my legs appreciate the break and it was a relief to find that I am managing to keep pace with the rope with other forms of exercise.

So as the clock hits 12:01 I can officially wish you all a Happy Friday!! Bring on the weekend!


  1. Congrats on the jump rope. My return to the rope was similar. Don't over do it though!

  2. Workout swaps no big deal. Climb out of the valley!

  3. Going strong - nice to come back to an exercise and see how much we've improved! Enjoy the wedding.
